Activities on the occasion of Safer Internet Day, February 12, 2021

Dear All,
Our school as part of the project "Fully Avoid Bully" 2020-1-IT02-KA229-079166_5, in coordination with other schools which are part of the project "Fully Avoid Bully", on the occasion of Safe Internet Day and digital security – 02 February 2021, organized a series of educational activities aimed at raising student awareness to promote the responsible and safe use of the Internet and technology by our students. The purpose of these activities is to inform but also to call for the coordination of the efforts of all actors, parents, teachers and children so that the online experiences of the students are only positive. The activities were realized through digital assistive technology and various educational applications such as answergarden, mentimeter, kahoot, canva, padlet, etc. In this learning event the participating students exchanged their reflections on bullying as a phenomenon and at the same time they exchanged their daily experience together with the students from other schools which are part of the project. The project was led by the school director mr. Fadil Murtezani and by prof. Arlinda Kastrati, coordinator of European projects and engaged in the educational process in general.
The presentation is published on the website of our school as well as on the links  
Additional information can be found our school's website